"The optimist says this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears he is right." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer

Friday, November 30, 2007

Yr Hmbl Srvnt

Taken by My Better Half (I wish to give proper attribution, but she's very private, and wouldn't appreciate her name being read by the millions - or at least dozens - who read this blog). I rather like this photo of me; unlike some regular readers of This Very Blog, I don't mind having my picture taken or shown. This one seems to capture something that I like. Maybe I look pensive or thoughtful (I'm not really being pensive or thoughtful, it just looks that way).

It was taken with my camera (the mighty Pentax *istD), at the Gelato shop where we treated ourselves last weekend.

Speaking of weekends, one is almost upon us now. I'm looking forward to an exciting one, with lots going on chez nous. I just have to get through this last Friday of the month (always a busy time). Soon enough, soon enough...

I'm feeling much better after the accident. The neck's still a bit stiff (although some morning Reiki helped a lot!), so I decided to give it until Monday before I get on the Fondriest.

Here's to a great weekend to all of you in Blogland!


Anonymous said...

Holy shit I didn't think you were that old!

Me and my camera said...

Over two years a dispatcher will do that to a guy...

La Gatita Gringa said...

Damn time machines.

frejus track said...

Big Up Knarf
Glad u on the mend
Saturday i'm off to see guru Kiwi Paul to talk stems and bars for my Fondriest-i ain't got it right yet...Peace and good times

Anonymous said...

... and after ten years you lose your hair, your teeth, some of your liver, and most of your prostate... but I'm sure you'll hang on to some of those...

Unknown said...

Was searching for FlatIron - found your blog - enjoyed it.

- Bob, OKC


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