"Who is Alexander Muir?", you ask. He was responsible (some might say "to blame") for penning that pleasant little dittie, The Maple Leaf Forever.
I always hated that song. It's so "English Canada". So Ontario-centric. Also, they used to (maybe the still do, I don't know) play it at Toronto Maple Leaf hockey games (as a native Montrealer, I despise the Leafs [sic] almost as much as I revere the Montreal Canadiens).
Anyway, Alex' park is lovely in the snow. Come to think of it, it's lovely in the summer, too.
But I still hate his song.
This next shot was taken from almost exactly the same location. I merely swung south about 90 degrees.

Alexander Muir park can be seen to the left, and what appears to be a "spooky old mansion" is in reality a rather derelict old apartment building on Yonge Street. Hard to believe that this scene was found in the midst of mid-town Toronto - it looks so rural!
Love the spooky mansion!!!
Aware of this cultural outrage, Illuminati in Ottawa have corrected Mr. Muir's chauvinism and given a grateful country the following (en francais aussi!):
It still sucks.
Bombs and rockets maybe?
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